Saturday, September 1, 2007

Solitude and the E Collar

You might be wondering how these things go together. Think of like a one of those movies like “Magnolia” or a Robert Altman film that is told is fits and starts but all comes together in the end. Or so I hope.

I am a big fan of solitude. I need my down time. Alone time. Me time. Whatever label you want to put on it is fine with me. It smacks of selfishness but it’s ultimately a good thing or else I’d be stark raving mad.

The family – dear spouse and son have headed north this labor day to the family farm. His family not mine. I’m a glorified city girl. A reality that after 17+ years of marriage still has his family reeling.

I needed some solitude. Specifically some additional purge time. The house is being painted next week and there is much to be done with removing things from the walls and moving the refrigerator to see what lurks underneath. I’m guessing there is at least enough cat hair to knit another cat and a minimum of 30 of those sparkly pom-pom kitty balls. We buy them by the gross. Ok – gross exaggeration (pardon my punny-ness). We should buy them by the gross. I buy them by the handful and then *poof* - they disappear to god knows where. Some big magical mystical place with lone socks, Tupperware lids and fuzzy glitter kitty toys.

Of course my family has been gone all day and I haven’t done one thing to prepare for painting. Naturally. I have spent plenty of time messing around with my website and managed to dye a few new shirts. But nothing even remotely related to painting preparation.

The other event that precluded my participation north to the farm was Bonzai, my cat. My sweet little 18 month kitty cat that has had the misfortune of having three surgeries in 2 months.

If you listen hard you can hear the sound of sirens going off at Citibank Mastercard (whoop whoop whoop).

I could go through a big long drawn out explanation of said surgery but lets just say it’s in a delicate area and as a result my kitty is begrudgingly sporting an e-collar. Let’s face it – it’s a clear plastic lampshade with a strip of Velcro to prevent inappropriate licking of said delicate area while healing. I think it cost $20. He looks like a martian. As a result of the e-collar and administering of kitty narcotics for pain management it was prudent for me to stay back home and keep care of my investment, uh, I mean pet. You’ll be happy to know he is comfortably high, the surgical site is healing well but I had to add a strip of duct tape to the collar because he has a nasty habit of trying to pull it off. Can you blame him? If I had a plastic lampshade on my head I would pull it off too.

Ok – now the part where I pull it all together. So the misfortune of my large vet bills and cat sporting an e-collar played into my need for solitude, which I have enjoyed until about 8am tomorrow when I need to get down to brass tacks and prep for the painter. No really I do.

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