Monday, August 6, 2007


I hesitate to even write about Mondays. What a cliché. Frankly Mondays usually aren’t too bad. Usually. Mondays are a new start. And with every Monday there is fresh hope. Tuesdays are the days that really blow. By Tuesday I have come to the stark realization that fresh hope is a big lie and a scam. It’s really the same old crap. Plus it’s only Tuesday and there is scads of the work week left until Friday. I’m convinced Tuesdays are the reason half the planet is on Zoloft.

I had no hope of hope on this Monday. Well, not true. I started with hope but by 7:30am it was like being quick skipped to Tuesday. We are down a car. My husbands 1997 Saturn SL1 no frills, 4 wheels and seat car died at a major intersection on Friday afternoon. At rush hour. In the 90 degree heat. Poor guy. Cue tow truck. A dead car is not a catastrophe but it is REALLY inconvenient since we work in opposite directions with opposite Monday night commitments and we need to shuttle our kid (we’ll call him Sparky) to summer camp. Oh – and then Sparky woke up with pink eye which ended up solving the summer camp transportation problem. Kids with red oozy eyes are not welcome at summer camp for 24 hours no matter how cute they are.

And I have homework. Earth Science. Sorry it’s boring. I didn’t get my homework done over the weekend because I spent the bulk of the weekend piping the filling into deviled eggs and making punch for a baby shower and in general watching my mom carry on like Martha Stewart during pre-shower prep mode. She actually alternated the napkins for the buffet….light pink polka dots, dark pink polka dots, light pink polka dots….lather, rinse, repeat. This was after she lifted up the house to vacuum underneath it. Meanwhile I still have two bags of groceries unpacked from 4 days ago (see previous blog for that explanation).

So it’s mad scramble to squeeze in some Earth Science fun during lunch today and pretend I care about deep ocean currents (unfortunately I don’t). I have class tonight. Yet another reason to hate Mondays or at least this Monday. I really want to go home, crack open a bottle of Pinot Noir and watch some mindless dribble on TV. I don’t have any interest in taking a quiz on Glaciers or hearing a lecture on deep ocean currents.

Wait! Cue news music…breaking car news. Wait for it…..brrrrrrrrrr – drum roll…… Busted axel. Ding ding ding!!! That will be $300 please. Thanks for playing.

Time to end this very whiney and company blog. I’ll do better next time. Unlike Mondays – with every blog there is fresh hope.


Unknown said...

LOL! Your mom lifted up the house to vacuum under it!! That cracks my shit up!

I'm one of TKW's friends. She told us to check you out. Cool blog. Yup, you will definitely become one of the bitches. I see it now!

Welcome to the world of blogging!

Our blog is

Unknown said...

PS-that "become one of the bitches" thing - that's a good thing, really.

hipkidstyedye said...


TKW rules. Loves her blog. Thanks for the kudos. I'm all over being one of the bitches. :) Yippee

IamDerby said...

hello! I surfed in from TKW. I teach science...many days I too have to act as if I care about ocean currents... i feel your pain